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Welcome to SCEF Parent Parties & Marketplace!  Here you can purchase tickets to the popular Parent Hosted Parties help throughout the year.   And we also feature items from our generous business donors and parents who donate their professional services to the Foundation.  We make them available to our school community as part of our ongoing fundraising efforts.  All items are sold at a fixed price.  Please check back periodically for new items-we will update the site as donations come in. 

In addition, we will be offering some summer camps and sports/performing arts/amusement park tickets as available.

We hope you find this a convenient way to shop, support SCEF, and support our local businesses-WIN-WIN-WIN!

Some items have longer descriptions and restrictions, but we've condensed them here to allow for easier page viewing.  Please contact events@scefkids.org if you have any questions about the items listed below.

Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

30 Remaining

Build your team of two to compete in the third annual SCEF “Bushwood” Golf Tournament, Sunday, April 22, 2018.  If feeling up for it, come in your best Carl Spackler, Judge Smails or Al Czervik gear. Hit the lush greens of Emerald Hills, and stay for the BBQ, horseshoes and cornhole after the event!  Hosted by: Anthony Pedrotti, Rob Ziegler, and Eric Johnson. Limited to first 51 players to sign‐up.  Tournament must have a minimum of 20 players to take place. $115 per person. If you don't have a team of two, we'll match you up with another solo player.


● 11am Shotgun Start, 2 man teams

● Alternate Shot format

● BBQ, Beer, and Prizes

● Only 4 clubs of your choice

16 Remaining

***FIRST FIFTY (50) ADULTS TO SIGN UP*** After a brief respite, our much acclaimed whiskey tasting event is back!  Join us on Saturday, April 28, 2018 from 5pm - 9pm..  You'll enjoy a full dinner and an authentic Glencairn glass to imbibe a diversity of whiskies from.  Past tastings included whisk(e)y from Japan, India, Taiwan, Scotland, Ireland, the US, and Canada.  What will we pour in 2018?  Attend to find out.  History tells us you will not be disappointed. And remember, it's for the kids!
